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Types of Lawn Turf to Withstand the British Winter

The British Winter months are notorious for being cold, wet and miserable. Fortunately, your garden turf doesn't have to suffer every year. We've put together a list of great lawn grass varieties that will still look great during the coldest winters Britain can throw at them.

Fine Fescue Turf

This turf grows quickly and has the ability to blend well with other turf grass varieties. Its rapid growth means it can be a great solution to replanting lawns after you have re-done your garden as winter approaches. This turf grass is very fine - it's called Fine Fescue because it is the thinnest grass turf available on the market.

Fine Fescue is very hardy and will stand up to many types on use, making it an ideal play area for children or animals to run around on. This hardiness makes it ideal for gardens where you may not be able to avoid walking on the turf, such as having to go out to the bins or the shed.

Although droughts aren't usually an issue in the UK, Fine Fescue is able to survive in the driest of conditions. Once moisture is again available it will return to its usual deep green colour.

Fine Fescue has good disease and insect resistance, and its ability to blend well with other turf varieties means it can give an extra element of resistance to your lawn. It responds well to mowing and can tolerate a close mow even in winter; the clippings can even be left on the lawn as Fine Fescue doesn't form thatch if left un-gathered.

Kentucky Bluegrass Lawn Turf

This turf is the most popular variety with commercial properties and sports fields, and for good reason. Kentucky Bluegrass forms a stunning deep green colour and will withstand the coldest of conditions well.

Kentucky Bluegrass thrives in low temperatures, although it does have a relatively poor shade resistance. It makes up for this by keeping it's colour throughout the winter, even if it is regularly trodden on.

This lawn turf is perfect for Britain, withstanding the coldest of temperatures and climate variation. It can be stressed during the hottest months, especially when water is withheld. This can easily be countered by watering the lawn regularly in summer - once a week is plenty.

Kentucky Bluegrass turf may develop thatch in areas with a high Nitrogen content; have your soil tested before buying turf if you are unsure if this turf would suit your lawn.

Ryegrass Lawn Turf>

Ryegrass turf is renowned for being extremely easy to maintain and a rapid grower. The downside to this turf is that it generally prefers milder climes, but it can be mixed with Bluegrass or Fine Fescue to make it hardier.

When growth is at its peak in Spring and Fall this turf will bounce back quickly from a lot of wear and tear. It can withstand footfall and is frequently used as a playing surface for sports teams.

Ryegrass is also a great lawn turf to have for the summer months too, as it can withstand period of drought well. In the summer months the UK rarely has more than a month without rainfall, making this an ideal turf for your lawn.

Ryegrass turf will not thatch when cutting, which makes it much easier to maintain than other types of lawn turf. It does not thatch because the grass is thickened by tillers instead of rhizomes or stolons.

Tall Fescues Lawn Turf

Tall Rescue has the most extensive root system of many popular lawn turf varieties, making it extremely robust to periods without rainfall.

It is less cold hardy than other lawn turf types but it can be blended with turf such as Bluegrass or Ryegrass to create a hardier turf that can withstand the temperature fluctuations better than it can alone.

Tall Fescue turf is recommended by many playing field users and sports teams due to its tough wearability. Like Ryegrass turf, it has better regeneration ability in Spring and Fall when the turf is at its premium growth rate.

Tall Fescue turf requires plenty of water, around 0.5 to 1 inch every 3-5 days, making it relatively high maintenance although it's hardiness means that it will require less maintenance in the winter months when rainfall is much more common.

Don't forget you can use our turf calculator to work out exactly how much turf you need for your lawn. Turfgrowers provide high quality grass turf for all seasons.

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The Importance of Grass!