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Real Turf v Astroturf

It used to be the case that people always preferred real turf than artificial turf. This is largely still the case but a rise in the sales of Astroturf suggests that many people require the convenience of an artificial lawn. Each have their pros and cons so here Turf Growers analyse which is better for use in home gardens.

There are now several types of artificial turf available on the internet and they have come a long way in terms of looking like genuine grass turf. Artificial lawns are a way to replicate a real lawn in problem areas, such as spaces that are void of sunlight or moisture; hence why they are popular in urban areas and courtyard gardens.

Artificial turf solutions have a life span of generally around 8 years. They are low maintenance and can deal with a fair amount of wear and tear. This means that they are  suitable if you have children or dogs or if you are expecting a high volume of foot traffic across your lawn.

To any keen gardener the concept of laying artificial turf may seem a lot like cheating. This is largely up for deliberation, but despite this it does make for less maintenance work. This said,  it also eliminates the sense of pride gained by conditioning a lawn made from real turf.

Artificial grass is now discernibly more like real grass, but ultimately still does not have the same aesthetic of a real turf lawn. Astroturf lawns also do not have the same feel and many have a synthetic carpet-like touch. Some people love this fabric but it is noticeably not the same texture as real grass.

Installing and maintaining a real lawn may be more effort than an artificial option but it is also cheaper. Artificial turf is much more expensive to purchase initially and a proper artificial lawn will have a base below for drainage which will make an artificial lawn significantly more expensive than a traditional turf lawn. Put the effort into maintaining a natural lawn and you will save the pounds!

When it comes to real turf versus Astroturf it is a relatively level playing field, excuse the pun. A real lawn is cheaper and its natural look is preferred by most to synthetic grass. Whilst genuine turf does require a bigger investment of time it is true that there is undoubtedly nothing like the real thing.

If you struggle to find the time to maintain your lawn or if you have problematic lawn areas artificial turf is a practical alternative to real turf. If, though, you have the time to give your garden diligent care and attention, nothing looks better than a real lawn and you will also save money by using real lawn turf.

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The Importance of Grass!
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