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Turf & Lawn Blog

Welcome to Turf Growers Blog, you will find loads of useful information on lawn care, turfing tips and the latest news and updates on subject that may affect your turf like hose pipe bans and weather conditions.

Wondering how to get the best out of your lawn?  We have put all our lawn care knowledge and know how together in this series of blogs and articles.  Here you will find guides on looking after new and existing lawns, how to prevent and cure common lawn problems and much much more.

Browse through our articles below and don't forget to share the...

Wondering how to get the best out of your lawn?  We have put all our lawn care knowledge and know how together in this series of blogs and articles.  Here you will find guides on looking after new and existing lawns, how to prevent and cure common lawn problems and much much more.

Browse through our articles below and don't forget to share the ones you like with your friends!


Fairy Rings in Your Lawn

Ever wondered about those small circles of mushrooms or dark circles on your lawn? Wonder no more; all is explained in my blog about this mysterious fungi. Mainly found in established lawns the Fairy Rings are caused by solid borne fungi that naturally occur in the soil underneath a lawns suffice. There are 3 common types in the UK. Where has it come from? Over 60 species of Fungi have been know to be the culprits of creating these curious yet magical circles. The old wives tale of trying to dig the ring out just would not work as it is...

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Summer Lawn Care

Although summer is our favourite time of year in the garden, it can be the toughest time for your beloved lawn. Hot dry weather will stress grass, especially mowed lawn grass and the increased use of the garden will cause even more wear and tear. So what should you do to help maintain and improve your lawn through this the busiest time in the garden? Give your lawn a drink Water during the cooler times of day (i.e early morning or eveneings) when the water is more likely to soak into the soil rather than evaporating in the heat of the...

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Looking after Your Lawn in a Drought

A Guide to Looking After Your Established Lawn Remember existing lawns do not need to be watered (unlike newly laid turf), even if the grass goes brown it will come grow back and go back to being green and lush.  Grass is extremely resilient and will recover when the rain eventually falls. Increase your mowing height to 35-40mm which creates deeper roots which are able to reach deeper moisture and also will create shade from higher temperatures. Keep mower blades sharpened so as not to bruise grass.Use a watering can to water your lawn.Capture water from roofs and gutters in water butts.You...

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