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Turf & Lawn Blog

Welcome to Turf Growers Blog, you will find loads of useful information on lawn care, turfing tips and the latest news and updates on subject that may affect your turf like hose pipe bans and weather conditions.

Laying Turf in March

Is it possible to lay turf in the spring?  Yes, of course it is, and here are some top tips to ensure that your new lawn turf will not just survive but thrive! Preparation is (still) keyJust in time ordering (we deliver turf next day, get a price here)Looking after your lawn once it’s laid The quality of your lawn will depend on the quality of your preparation. Luckily for you, there are very few perennial weeds growing at this time of year, although the mild temperatures mean that more are around than usual this year. Make sure you clear them all...

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  23595 Hits

What is the Best Time of Year to Lay Turf?

We are often asked what is the best time of year to lay turf.  Like all living organisms, there are optimal conditions for growth. Turf is no exception to that rule. The way it’s treated affects how healthy it’s going to be and how it performs. The initial treatment of turf is thoroughly vital. If it’s neglected at the start, this can have dire consequences and it could end up dying. Imagine having to stop before you’ve even started!  So when is the correct time? Is there a specific day, like the 5th of April? Of course not, it depends on...

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  162521 Hits

Growing Lawns in the Shade

Growing grass in shady places is a challenge. Yes, it might be easier to give up and have a patio, but everyone loves a lawn, and with the help of this article, you too should be able to manage a beautiful stretch of lawn turf even in a shady area, although perhaps not in a wood! Most grass in a turf mix needs about four to six hours of sunshine a day in the summer. Much less, and it becomes less vigorous and prone to disease. But there are now seed mixes that are specifically designed for shady areas, and which...

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  12817 Hits

How to Create a Chamomile Lawn

A beautiful stretch of lawn turf is a joy to behold, but it’s also quite a lot of work, what with the mowing, feeding, aerating, scarifying and so on. But are there low maintenance alternatives? We’ve run a few articles about wildflower meadows, but how about a chamomile lawn? Is your garden suitable? Chamomile needs sunshine, and it also needs light soils, and some moisture. Heavy clay soils are not suitable as they will be both too wet in winter and too dry in summer. A very dry, stony site is also unsuitable, as the chamomile will be patchy. A chamomile...

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  32489 Hits

Establishing Wildflower Meadows

With recent press about wildlife gardening and drought-resistant planting, you may have decided to grow a wildflower meadow. But what do you need to do to establish one? 1) Choose your type of meadow: annual or perennial? Perennial wildflower meadows need poor soil, because then grasses compete less with the wildflowers. Annual meadows need rich soil, so are ideal if you’re converting an existing garden border. If your heart is set on a perennial meadow, then you may want to remove the top layer of soil, and rotavate and sow directly into the subsoil. 2) When Should You Sow Your Seeds?...

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  7706 Hits

Why You Should Lay Your Own Turf

When it comes to our gardens, some of us relish in the DIY aspect of it, with it becoming a hobby and a passion. Others among us aren’t fans, and would prefer to sit back and allow someone else to do it for them. Laying your own turf has merits which are not to be ignored.  But why exactly should you lay your own turf? The main reason you should lay your own turf is that it is fairly easy, if you are fit for the job (and you don’t need to be an Olympic medallist!) and it will save yo...

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  11097 Hits

How to Plan a Lawn

So you have decided you want to create a lawn; whether you are working with existing lawn or starting a fresh with new turf and topsoil then here is my guide to help you create your perfect lawn. Make a plan.  The word "plan" should not be underestimated here, draw your plan of what you want to achieve and stick to it!Appearance is everything.  Plan what you want the final thing to look like taking into account how you will be using that space; e.g if you have children, pets or even no use at all.  If you are creating a...

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  17845 Hits

Laying Turf During a Hose Pipe Ban

The recent hose pipe bans may worry you if are thinking of laying new turf or indeed wanting to keep your grass in good condition for the summer months, but dont worry... Turf is tuff stuff and you can usually water it with a watering can!  Here is our guide to help you lay a new lawn in a hose pipe ban. A Guide to Help You Lay New Turf in a Drought Newly laid turf needs regular watering (for the first 2-3 weeks) as the roots are only short and will not have bedded into the topsoil beneath to tap...

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  17031 Hits